miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

¡¡¡ Philosophy with children !!!


Do children can do philosophy?

When we posed this question, can we stay silent, not knowing that answer and think about the "right" answer, that he hopes the rest, and Why hesitate?

When asked whether animals have rights or whether to protect the environment in general and certainly would claim that if many activists and environmentalists would fight to defend their ideals, then, why can not respond openly and without missing a beat second that children can do philosophy?

Children if they do philosophy and do it all the time and have no difficulty in it, men and women has an enormous capacity of imagination, wonder, think and create.

We must make the distinction between thinking and reasoning, since the former is related to create, recreate, invent and imagine new things and the second is to believe, believe in something pre-established, in a logic, for example believe in religions, political ideologies , etc.

Are also different concepts of magic and wonder, magic is an illusion trick wonder however is the ability of children to be impressed with simple things.

Childhood is seen as a vital energy!


martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Allende asthe white house led to his death .... Patricia Verdugo

This book is about political interventions by the United States committed in Chile occurred around the 70's and how are you defining influence on the military coup of 1973 and therefore in the fall of the government of President Salvador Allende.  

Dangerous for the U.S. was one of their "natural territorial zones of influence" was a socialist republic and further, that their president was elected democratically, they feared that Chile was a second Cuba and Latin America become a communist mainland.

United States introduced a series of strategies, economic above all to generate little bit of an evil image of the president, finance with impressive amounts of money were thousands and millions of dollars which were given to the director of "Mercury" so that this conduct a campaign of terror in the population, also had an economic blockade, the CIA was involved, etc.

Caught my attention this book first by treating political issues of 1973 and the military dictatorship and also because I had an idea of ​​the U.S. intervention in Chile, but neck imagine that such a level, this book also has the characteristic of being easy reading, the author uses terms that are simple.

Many books I liked, but I think not impressed with the way that he did, this book is racomendable to culauier person that interests you or call attention to the politics and history of Chile.

¡¡¡ Ice Cream !!!

" Ice cream "

This picture was taken in the chocolate shop "la cabaña de mendoza" in Argentina on my last vacation whih my mom.
There also were selling ice cream. This ice cream were very particulars because had tow balls on the sides.
was taken by my mother.
I like because remember bveautiful moments that I live in my vacation whit mi mom.

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2011

I love my mp3 !!!


miércoles, 13 de abril de 2011

Toy Story 3


Toy Story saga is one of the animated movie have received more awards in the last time and even more in his third version, is not only a movie for children, but also for adults; because the topics treated are profound and sensitive.

This film starts when  Andy  remembers his chilhood and his favorite games and toys being in her bedroom.
Andy has grow, now he have 17 years old and he had to decided between give or thorw his toys because he have will go to the university.
Andys mom make a donation to sunnyside, a nearby nursery.

This is were begin the scape of toys the sunnyside and the real aventure is their lives.

The new principal characters in this film are:
  • Lotso.
  • Ken.
  • Mr spiners.
  • Dolly.
  • Stretch .
  • Bebote.

    I like this film because the topic is very interesting, the principal character leave a child to be a teenager, is very nice !!!
    The animations are very well made, the colours have to power and the graphic is very striking.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011

Lev Semyónovich Vigotsky...

Lev Vigotsky

Russian psychologist prominent in the  psycholog developmenty theory and neuropsichology, his approach is marxist. He was born in November, 12, 1986 and died in Jun 11, 1934.

Study medicine and law in the universiti of Moscu, was teacher of languaje and literatura, psychology, histori of art. In 1919 at the Pedagogical Institute created a psychology laboratory to study children in kindergartens.

Recognized as "the zone of proximal development" the actual developmental level and the level of potential development with the help of other childen with more experience.

higher psychological functions manifest in 2 areas: social and personal, every function appears twice: a social level, and later, at the individual level.

Internalization is transformation process of social psychological phenomenon.

One of the most famous contribution is the book thought and language, this is about the interconection between oral language and evelepment of conceptual concepts. The thought and word are involved, they can not be alone concepts.

I agree with this theory because is very interesting and was intelligently raised, also introdust a change to the existing behavioural model. I believe in this theory and support because one is inconceivable if the other , I think the languaje creates realities and this are more powerful.

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

Music !!!

Who does not happen that you listening to music and feel that yours feet and entire body move?

the answer is: the music is expression of body !!!
I love dance and move my body with music.  


A group actually and very famous is Calle 13, the band compoused by "residente" Rene like vocalist, "visitante" Eduardo like composer, and llena in the choirs; the brothers ar puerto ricans.

They music is definid urban because mix rhythms with pop, hip- hop, electric music.
The principal caracteristic of calle 13 is the lyrics with more social content, satirics, cultural and relatives to Latinoamerica.
They have won MTV awards, GRAMMY LATINOS and festival de viña.

 Finally the music is enjoy, is not importan the group, relly imortan is feeling good, entertaiment and lintening something that makes you happy !!!